Builder/manager pattern in Laravel

Published on Dec 10, 2022

In Hungary, there are many invoice services, and I want to give clients the choice of which one they prefer. To facilitate easy configuration and changes, I have implemented the Manager (builder) pattern. I will show you the pattern-related codes.

Let's create the config file, call it config/invoice.php.


return [

    | Default driver
    | You can change the invoice driver. Example: pdf, billingo, szamlazzhu
    'driver' => env('INVOICE_DRIVER', 'pdf'),

Now create the Interface for the driver app/Driver/InvoiceInterface.php.


namespace App\Drivers;

interface InvoiceInterface
    public function run($data);

Create the Billingo invoice class app/Driver/Billingo.php.


namespace App\Drivers;

class Billingo implements InvoiceInterface
    public function run($data)
        // Do your action

Create the PDF invoice class app/Driver/PDF.php.


namespace App\Drivers;

class PDF implements InvoiceInterface
    public function run($data)
        // Create a pdf

Create the Manager class app/Managers/InvoiceManager.php where we load our Drivers.


namespace App\Managers;

use App\Drivers\Billingo;
use App\Drivers\PDF;
use Illuminate\Support\Manager;

class InvoiceManager extends Manager
    public function createBillingoDriver(): Billingo
        return new Billingo();

    public function createPdfDriver(): PDF
        return new PDF();

    public function getDefaultDriver()
        return $this->config->get('invoice.driver');

Register the InvoiceManager in the service provider app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php.

    public function register(): void
        $this->app->singleton('invoice', function ($app) {
            return new InvoiceManager($app);

Create a Facade to access the Invoice anywhere app/Facades/Invoice.php.


namespace App\Facades;

use App\Managers\InvoiceManager;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
use RuntimeException;

 * @method static InvoiceManager getDefaultDriver()
 * @method static InvoiceManager driver(string $name)
 * @method static InvoiceManager extend(string $driver, Closure $callback)
 * @method static mixed run($data)
class CreateInvoice extends Facade
     * Get the registered name of the component.
     * @return string
     * @throws RuntimeException
    protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
        return 'invoice';

And in your controller or anywhere else, just call the following:


If you want to change the default driver, you can do so by editing the INVOICE_DRIVER variable in the .env file. Alternatively, you can change it on the fly by calling the Invoice with driver('billingo').


More example and explanation: